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About Us

A while ago, one of our members considered their 9-year old golden retriever old. They wanted to guarantee their old friend the best possible retirement days. After studying the dog diet more closely, they replaced the regular dry food with raw food. As the diet changed , so did the dog – swelling went away, it lost some excess weight and felt refreshed. The 9 year old golden retriever was not an old man anymore!

Soon after we were looking into the quality of training snacks where for each successful performance the dog is rewarded with food/snacks. We didn’t want to reward the dogs with some mass-produced pet snacks of questionable quality and origin. The regular industrial snack products often gave the dogs loose stomachs, flatulence etc. Then it occurred to us that there were no clean, simple and organic snacks on the market that would support my dog’s normal diet. However, we knew we wanted to offer the dogs only the best possible pay to motivate them for the best possible performance.

That’s how the idea of freeze-dried raw food snacks and Best Barf came into being! Today, all our scent dogs get pure, nutritious and tasty raw food as a reward for a job well done and their motivation stays high throughout the day. This is something we wish to share with You as well!

For our pets,


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